Antonio Terpin

Also on Google Scholar.

I am a PhD student with Raff D'Andrea and Simone Schürle at ETH Zürich.


Cooking... 🧪, 🌊, 🤖
Learning diffusion at lightspeed
NeurIPS 2024 (oral)

A. Terpin, N. Lanzetti, M. Gadea, and F. Dörfler.

Variational Analysis in the Wasserstein Space

N. Lanzetti*, A. Terpin*, and F. Dörfler.

Dynamic Programming in Probability Spaces via Optimal Transport

A. Terpin*, N. Lanzetti*, and F. Dörfler.

Trust Region Policy Optimization with Optimal Transport
NeurIPS 2022

A. Terpin*, N. Lanzetti*, B. Yardim, F. Dörfler, and G. Ramponi.

Distributed Feedback Optimisation for Robotic Coordination
ACC 2022

A. Terpin, S. Fricker, M. Perez, M. Hudoba de Badyn, and F. Dörfler.

* equal contribution.

pet projects

... I will slowly add all the others ... stay tuned!

LLM misc. Some random projects I worked on with LLMs: A chrome extension to turn your conversations with ChatGPT into flashcards, a let me google that for you powered by LLM.
Computer Vision misc. In 2021 I worked at the Robotics and Perception Group with Daniel Gehrig and Davide Scaramuzza on the open sourcing of an event-based visual odometry pipeline. Prior to that, I built a visual odometry pipeline from scratch in Matlab with Antonio Arbues (2020), and a steel defect detector using wavelets and bayesian optimization with Claudio Verardo (2019, mostly to play with wavelets).
Virtual Reality misc. In 2018 I worked on some VR projects during the Uqido academy of immersive technologies. We built a VR physiotherapist and an Alice in wonderland scene... But what got me excited the most was CUDA... pretty cool stuff. :)
Trivia Patente In high school (2016-2018), with Luigi Donadel and Gabriel Ciulei, we built an app to prepare for the Italian driving license theory exam by playing with your friends. We were bored of studying the theory exam, and we thought this would have made it easier... iOS app in Swift, Android app in Java, backend in Python, and many cool javascript daemons for when we had no users, lol. (we got to 100, eventually... lesson: iterate with your customers!)
Java misc. In high school (2015-2016) I built many random (looking back, cute) projects to learn Java: a computer graphic simulation of the iconic race between the turtle and the hare (open to bets!), a 2-players maze game (meant to play with my niece), an enigma machine (after I saw the imitation game), a chat server with some extra features, a barebone search engine, ... of most of the other projects I lost the code, sadly. I talked about these projects in this twitter thread.


I am continuously looking for motivated students interested in working with me. Feel free to reach out with your transcripts and a brief description of a project you have worked on.
Ongoing projects:
  • Martin Gadea, Learning Diffusion at Lightspeed
Teaching positions:


My reading picks from 2023. Optimization by Vector Space methods (Luenberger), Variational Analysis (Rockafellar), Gradient Flows (Ambrosio, Gigli and Savaré), The British Industrial Revolution in Global Perspective (Allen), Entangled Life (Sheldrake), How To Be a Founder (Bentinck), The defining decade (Jay), Radical Candor (Scott). Check also my Tweet on this.

awards and prizes